Early in Act 1 of Gilbert and
Sullivan’s ‘the Pirates of Penzance’ the Pirate King tells us that:
“Many a King on
a first class throne,
If he wants to
call his crown his own,
Must manage
somehow to get through
More dirty work
then e’er I do.”
That little piece of wisdom –
painful wisdom, but wisdom none-the-less – Keeps coming to mind over the course
of the last five or six weeks.
The first instance involves
history: 78 years and a few weeks ago the Emperor of Japan announced the
surrender of Japan. This followed,
as I suppose (hope and pray) everyone knows, the dropping of atomic bombs on
Hiroshima (6 Aug 1945) and Nagasaki (9 Aug 1945). In the years that have followed those bombings there have
been countless arguments made about ‘what Truman should have done’ and further
arguments that there was in any case no reason to drop the atomic bombs on
those two cities.
I’ll begin by stating that I am
not a big fan of the concept, as first postulated by General Giulio Douhet and
later BG Billy Mitchell (and Gen. Walther Wever and Marshall Hugh ‘Boom’
Trenchard, et al), of strategic bombing; the idea that large scale bombing of
civilian populations will so undermine morale that it will force any nation to
surrender. For one thing, the idea
has been shown to be fallacious in almost every case: the German bombing of the
British in World War II, the British and American bombing of Germany in World
War II, the American bombing of Japan in World War II (with an important
‘footnote’ – see below), the US bombing of North Vietnam; in each case bombing
served mainly to stiffen the resolve of those being bombed. Certainly, the bombing had other
effects, many of them supporting the military aims of those dropping the bombs,
but the central concept of undermining morale, and thereby bringing an early
end to the war, never panned out.
Second, if you have ever seen a
city or town that has been burned out, it is not something that you would want
to have happen to anyone, to include your enemies. War is a brutal business and once you are in it you have to
do extreme things. But all in all,
if you can avoid it, and particularly if it isn’t necessarily working, I’m more
or less against the idea of carpet-bombing cities.
The footnote or exception of
course, is the outcome of the two bombs – atomic bombs - dropped on Japan. Their immediate effect was to destroy
the two cities, and immediately killed perhaps 140,000 people total. Tens of thousands more died over the
following years. But, more
importantly, it forced the Emperor’s hand and he surrendered – with conditions
– but the war was over. (It is
worth noting the discussion on how much this bombing affected German and
Japanese wartime production – until early 1945 their production of war
materials climbed each year, as they learned how to do more, under more extreme
circumstances. Also, while there
is the oft repeated argument that this bombing deprived tactical forces of all
the various air defense assets, that blade cuts both ways; US and British et al
investments in the strategic bombing campaign were massive and arguably would
have been as productive if not more productive if used elsewhere.)
What is often forgotten in any
discussion about Hiroshima and Nagasaki is the actual situation Truman faced:
the war was dragging on; bond drives in the US were coming up short, after 10
years of depression and 4 years of war Americans were tired. Truman had several options: he could
continue the conventional bombing of Japan and hope that they would eventually
surrender – nothing that we knew of the Japanese suggested that would
happen. All experience during the
war had shown, as mentioned earlier, that bombing of cities only made people
more determined to resists.
Second, he (Truman) could order an invasion. The casualty estimates of an invasion were staggering: US
intelligence in fact suggested that the Japanese were hoarding weapons for a
vast national spasm of violence to save the homeland from the invaders, and
casualty estimates for the US assault forces ran from a low of perhaps 30,000
dead and 90,000 wounded for the initial assault (Codenamed Olympic – a landing
on the island of Kyushu), to a high of approximately 250,000 dead and another 1
million wounded – US personnel only.
Japanese casualties were estimated to be at least 3 times US casualties.
The second – follow-on – invasion
of the main island of Honshu would occur almost 6 months later. Casualty figures for this invasion
(Operation Coronet) – an invasion that would be twice as large as the D-Day invasion
– were several times greater than those for Olympic.
In short, the invasion of Japan
would cost the US more casualties then it had suffered in all of the World War
up to that point. Japanese
casualties would be in the millions.
The third option was to drop the
bombs and see if they ‘pushed the Japanese government’ to surrender.
Truman thus found himself in the
situation that any leader – like the fictitious king referenced by the Pirate
King above - often finds himself: facing a series of at best very unpleasant
Truman could continue wide-scale
conventional bombing, which was killing tens of thousands of Japanese every
week; invade and kill millions – and suffer hundreds of thousands of US
casualties as well, or use the new weapon and see if they could force the
Japanese to ‘quit’ early. If they
chose to continue fighting, then he would probably have ordered the
invasion. He had nothing but bad
choices. He chose the bombs, the
war ended early, and, as unpleasant as it was and unlikely as it may seem, he
probably saved hundred of thousands of US lives, and probably millions of
Japanese lives in doing so.
The point in all this is that the
real world is never like the discussions held in academia, where there are
clear choices and the results are definitive and final. In the real world no decision is final
and few if any choices are clear.
Add to that the simple truth that most of the people you are dealing
with in ruling circles around the world aren’t really very nice. They are not altruists, and though they
do sometimes have their nation’s best interests at heart, at least in some
sense, they are often also quite willing to keep their people on tight
leashes. In a world where many
nations face the choice of anarchy or police state we often find ourselves
dealing with governments that choose police state and government controlled
There is a natural tendency,
particularly among Americans, who have grown up in a blessedly free country, to
bridle at the thought of dealing with such governments. But before we make the choice to back
some revolutionary movement, we need to ask ourselves a simple question: what
is the real US interest? In short,
we need to first look out for the US.
The common objection to this
roughly follows the argument that supporting a revolutionary movement that
advocates political freedom and representative government IS in the US
interest. But, while it is
preferable to pursue long-term vice short-term interests, the simple fact is
that the US has a difficult enough time pursuing short-term interests; trying
to chase down long-term interests when it involves the actions of other nations
is nearly impossible. And
sometimes you just can’t make all the pieces fit together.
Two different thugs have made the
US look foolish in the course of the last several weeks: Vlad Putin and Bashir
Assad. Assad in particular, in his
interview with Fox News and Dennis Kucinich (tip of the hat to both of them for
that effort – it is always good to get a look at the evil around us) made a
mockery out of the US foreign policy community, turning their language back on
top of them. He did at least
demonstrate for another generation just how smooth and slick is real evil. Putin of course, continues to play the
US leadership for fools. The US
may be in the right, but our leadership isn’t playing in the same league as
these two.
And so we arrive at the questions
of the day: What of Egypt? What of
Syria? What of Iran? For that matter, What of Russia and
Vlad Putin? What is the US to do? The answer is simple: act in the US
interest. The problem is more
complex: what is the US interest?
And here is the great failure: we can’t really identify the US
interest. We are back to the same
old chestnut: what are US goals?
‘Goals’ is the impolite word for ‘US interests.’ And what we need to ask ourselves is
this: what do we want Egypt (and Syria, and the rest of the Mid East, and
Eastern Europe, and Asia) to look like in 1, 3, 5 and 10 years? And what are we willing to commit –
what assets – to make that happen?
This requires that we take off rose-colored glasses, and more
importantly, that we refrain from getting too wrapped up in our own moral
high-ground and look at the world through what might be called a ‘Machiavellian
Take Egypt, which we have
conveniently ignored for the last several weeks. What is the US interest in Egypt: is it the Suez Canal and
World Trade? Is it the security of
Israel’s western border? Is it general stability in the Middle East? Is it the rise of democracy in the Arab
World? Is it prevention of the
rise of another Sharia State in the Arab World? Can the White House and the State Department put those – and
any others – in order of importance?
What is it that we are trying to do? What are they willing to commit to achieve these goals? Money? Equipment? Political or economic pressure? Force? Troops on the Ground?
They need to accurately answer them – and soon.
None of this will be easy, and
assuredly, none of this will yield pleasant answers. Like the ‘king on a first class thrown,’ the folks in the
White House keep finding to their dismay that a good deal of this is dirty,
unpleasant work, difficult work, and that in the end everyone ends up with a
little ‘stink’ on them. And it
doesn’t ever end, and it will never end.
(There is a pedantic argument
that some will enter into about ‘vital US interest’ vs simple ‘US
interest.’ There is a simple way
to settle it: consider two cases – defense of an ally from foreign attack – say
Canada. And, US desires to see
international sports free of performance enhancing drugs (PEDs). Both are, strictly speaking, matters of
some US policy. In the first case
the US is willing – over and above any and all treaty obligations – to defend
Canada with US lives. There is no
question: Canadian security is in the US interest. In the second, the US is – I would hope – probably unwilling
to spend more than some hot air to further that issue. Simply speaking, while it is something
we would like to see, we have many other things that warrant concern before we
get to the issue of PEDs in international sports. If it will directly affect the lives of average Americans
and we are willing to commit US forces, it – whatever ‘it’ is – is ‘in the US
interest.’ If we are not willing
to commit forces, then it really isn’t in the US interest. We are only willing to expend hot
air. (The point is not lost on
many; arguments inside trade organizations about this or that price point for
this or that commodity may sound important – and they are – but unless it
actually threatens the US standard of living or US security the simple truth is
the US will be more likely to ‘roll over’ to preserve the trade agreement as a
whole then to harrumph over one particular issue inside the trade treaty.))
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